Das Magazin für umgebaute Motorräder



  • Marijuana a dangerous drugdont think so.
    I came across this article and read for yourself that you can grow old with the so called dangerous drug.

    I will turn 75 years of age in about a week. I smoked my first marijuana when I was 12 years old, and I have used it pretty much since, on again off again now and again, but at a pretty steady pace. I have grown my own for the past 35 years. That all sums to about 63 years of use. Okay, I still have ten fingers and ten toes and my mind is fairly sound and Im in what my doctor describes as good health. I feel good and suffer nothing health wise that would indicate the doc might be wrong. Everything works as intended, as it always has. Im careful with my diet and am an active persona, running a small ranch deep in the wilderness mountains of British Columbia, working my butt to the bone nearly every day, lifting, pulling, yarding, pushing, heaving, hammering, sawing, erecting, dismantling, throwing, and moving shit around just to keep the fences up and the water system working and hay in the mangers.

    I am living, breathing proof that marijuana is not a dangerous drug. I once rode a motorcycle from San Francisco to Guatemala and back whilst high on weed. Ive driven and ridden hundreds of thousands of miles on the highways and byways of North America accident free; climbed any number of high peaks stoned and never fallen off; ran many a wild river in watercraft of all kinds and never drowned; and so on.

    I do NOT use my chainsaw whilst stoned nor throw hammer or use a table saw or a skill saw or chop wood. Stoned isnt the province of linear activities where some degree of precision is in order and a lack of it can cause blood to flow or bones to crack. I dont want the guy piloting the commercial airliner Im flying on to be stoned, nor the train driver or the ferry operator. Stoned has its proper provinces, these are not among them.

    Where you come from - Is gone. Where you thought you were going - Was never there.

  • ... I once rode my old Triumph from the street I live only 2 miles on LSD, and mate, I can say to you, its one of the ugliest and dangerous trips I ever had :D From this time on, I´m sure.. LSD it´s a dangerous drug... sometimes :D ;), especially when you ride a motorcycle !
    What ever, don´t drink when you drive, only smoke :D

  • Zitat

    Original von Fightglide
    Gegen das was du sehen wirst Greg, sind Messer sinnlos. ;-)

    Yeah...your right....it´s really inexplicably, incredible......whow...I can explain
    and knifes are absolutly without any effect...about that