Das Magazin für umgebaute Motorräder



Beiträge von Freehawk

    Well, if the weather is fine, we should go out for a little ride.
    I have seen a picture of John's Apes. That looks a little bit strange to me. But interesting.

    Yup, that sounds very bad. I hate shopping, so I went out for a ride today. On my own. And that felt reallllllllyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooood. Yeah. Time to get you back on your bike.


    Looooooooooolllllll, gotcha Bro. :megasmile:

    I'm sorry that the weather in your holiday is as bad as in Germany. Thought you'd have a lot of sun and high temperatures up there in Florida and that you would come back as brown as a brownie to make me jealous. And damned, I'd like to go to Daytona, too. Man, wish I could be there. Greetings to your two ladies. Hope Sylvia had a nice birthday. Cya.....

    Oh and give Sylvia a big :knuddel: for her birthday.


    this is so disapointing. You are a bikebuilder and I'm only a Fucknutz. Gonna burn my bike tomorrow. Sorry, cu in another life......farewell....:fuck:

    Zu dem Thema stand in der neuen Computerbild (Ausgabe 14/2005), dass sich das Thema erledigt hat. Der beklagte Betreiber des Forums hat sich einen Anwalt genommen und danach nie wieder etwas von dem Abmahn-Anwalt gehört. Rechtlichgesehen handelte sich vorliegenden Fall um eine Meinungsäußerung eines Nutzers des Forums, die dieser aus privaten Gründen getätigt hat. Trotzdem sei die Rechtslage kompliziert und man sollte in Foren keine Namen berühmter Persönlichkeiten oder Marken verwenden.

    Yup, you're still the Best, my hero, the One and Only, the godfather of ridin', the King of the roads, The ultimate Chopperbuilder.............uahahahahaha...... still miss you for a ride.

    Btw, Tom that Fucker is ridin' a lot with his bike. Think it is more by now than the whole last year........two last years.
    Yup, and we figured out some new routes.

    And here it his: Our little Dragon Run, we did before you left, had about 75 turns on 5km. Think we should do it again.
    Greetings to S & S, have fun. :hitze:

    Mr. and Mrs. Bitch? God? Damned Tim, what's goin' on? Did the sun in Florida burn your brain? Can't wait till your back again to get you in my fingers........:box:

    Yes, god has spoken. I'll take away your bike, your dogs, your car, your account..........Sorry, you can keep your account, don't want your debts, lööööl.